Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The First Ancestor

Since I'm in a new world, that means a fresh start to my ancestry!

The first ancestor harvested just enough wood to make a shovel, pick, and axe. He used the axe until it broke harvesting wood, and then used the pick and shovel just enough to make one stone pick (3 blocks of cobblestone). Immediately, I dug into the earth until I found some iron. Luckily, I got to 5 iron ores just before my pick broke.

I will continude harvesting for iron until I had enough to last me a while. the underground complex shall be mightier and even more impressive this time around!

The first Ancestor built a rudimentary house. nothing fancy, just a squarish building with two front doors (screenshots to come soon). A1 (Ancestor 1) got all the fundamental requirements to survive in Minecraft, including reeds to make paper and flower (Technically it's called sugar cane).  A1 planted them along the river that runs by the house.

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