Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Warm Welcome

When I first logged on to Minecraft, I'm sure I had a similar experience to everyone else. Plopped down into the middle of a lego New Zealand, I ran around until someone told me to punch trees. So I punched trees for wood and had no idea what to do. In a game like Minecraft, there's no shame in picking up a tutorial or two, so I preceeded to look a few up.

Once I learned how to make picks and shovels, the real adventure began. I built my first rudimentary house (which was ugly and square) and decorated it with flowers I found about the place. It didn't take long until my playstyle developed. One word: dwarves.

I wanted iron, so I dug to the bottom of the earth and made a room. As I mined, I connected more rooms to this antichamber until I had a full fledged house (complete with forge, workshop, "orgy room" and bedroom)

This was before beds existed in the game, so my bedroom consisted of squares of cloth for a bed, lightly lit with torches.

I mentioned "orgy rooms". This is what my friend and I christened rooms that served little purpose, and had cloth floors (good for orgies, you see). They were elegantly designed with waterfalls and fountains.

The more I played, and the more updates came out, the more elaborate my underground kingdom begame. I would mine and mine and mine until I had a full chest of cobblestone, which I would then use to build parts of a castle above my dwarven sanctuary.

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